Books by Harper, Charles G. (Charles George) (sorted alphabetically)
Portsmouth Road and Its Tributaries: To-Day and in Days of Old Charles G. Harper
Practical Hand-book of Drawing for Modern Methods of Reproduction Charles G. Harper
Revolted Woman: Past, present, and to come Charles G. Harper
Royal Winchester: Wanderings in and about the Ancient Capital of England A. G. K. L'Estrange
Smugglers: Picturesque Chapters in the Story of an Ancient Craft Charles G. Harper
Somerset Coast Charles G. Harper
South Devon Coast Charles G. Harper
Stage-coach and Mail in Days of Yore, Volume 1 (of 2) Charles G. Harper
Stage-coach and Mail in Days of Yore, Volume 2 (of 2) Charles G. Harper
Summer Days in Shakespeare Land Charles G. Harper
Thames Valley Villages, Volume 1 (of 2) Charles G. Harper
Thames Valley Villages, Volume 2 (of 2) Charles G. Harper
Wessex Charles G. Harper