Books about Hunting -- Juvenile fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Gun Club boys of Lakeport : or, The island camp Edward Stratemeyer
Guns and Snowshoes; Or, the Winter Outing of the Young Hunters Edward Stratemeyer
Guy Harris, the Runaway Harry Castlemon
Hair-Breadth Escapes: The Adventures of Three Boys in South Africa H. C. Adams
Hard-Scrabble of Elm Island Elijah Kellogg
Hunted and Harried R. M. Ballantyne
Hunter Cats of Connorloa Helen Hunt Jackson
Hunting the Lions R. M. Ballantyne
Ihmissyöjäin vankina: Seikkailuja Afrikan aarniometsissä (Finnish) Verney Lovett Cameron
In Savage Africa Verney Lovett Cameron
Jack the Young Explorer: A Boy's Experiances in the Unknown Northwest George Bird Grinnell
Lone Ranche Mayne Reid
Lost in the Cañon A. R. Calhoun
Lost in the Forest: Wandering Will's Adventures in South America R. M. Ballantyne
- Mississipin metsästäjäpojat (Finnish) Mayne Reid
Ned in the Block-House: A Tale of Early Days in the West Edward Sylvester Ellis
Oscar in Africa Harry Castlemon
Our Fellows; Or, Skirmishes with the Swamp Dragoons Harry Castlemon
Outdoor Chums After Big Game; Or, Perilous Adventures in the Wilderness Quincy Allen
Out with Gun and Camera; or, The Boy Hunters in the Mountains Edward Stratemeyer
Peck's Bad Boy in an airship George W. Peck
Perseverance Island; Or, The Robinson Crusoe of the Nineteenth Century Douglas Frazar
Pioneers R. M. Ballantyne
Prairie Chief R. M. Ballantyne
Red Man's Revenge: A Tale of The Red River Flood R. M. Ballantyne