Books about Children's stories, English (sorted by popularity)
Dickens' Stories About Children Every Child Can Read Charles Dickens 190 downloads
Eyes and No Eyes, and Other Stories Mrs. Barbauld, Mrs. Marcet, Jane Taylor, and John Aikin 187 downloads
Very Short Stories and Verses For Children Mrs. W. K. Clifford 178 downloads
Granny's Wonderful Chair & Its Tales of Fairy Times Frances Browne 176 downloads
The Happy Prince, and Other Tales Oscar Wilde 175 downloads
Granny's Wonderful Chair Frances Browne 169 downloads
The Trial of William Tinkling Charles Dickens 168 downloads
A Gallery of Children A. A. Milne 166 downloads
Child-Land: Picture-Pages for the Little Ones 158 downloads
William—the outlaw Richmal Crompton 150 downloads
Original stories from real life Mary Wollstonecraft 145 downloads
Cross Purposes and The Shadows George MacDonald 142 downloads
The Little Dog Trusty; The Orange Man; and the Cherry Orchard; Being the Tenth Part of Early Lessons (1801) Maria Edgeworth 138 downloads
The Story-teller Maud Lindsay 135 downloads
Animal Chums: True Tales about Four-footed Friends Jean McIntosh 131 downloads
Anne's terrible good nature, and other stories for children E. V. Lucas 119 downloads
Tell Me a Story Mrs. Molesworth 117 downloads
Danny again : further adventures of "Danny the Detective" Vera C. Barclay 115 downloads
Veikeitä juttuja pienille lapsille (Finnish) Rudyard Kipling 103 downloads
The battle of life : or, What is a Christian A. L. O. E. 103 downloads
Melchior's Dream and Other Tales Juliana Horatia Ewing 102 downloads
The rocky island, and other similitudes Samuel Wilberforce 95 downloads
The Kitchen Cat and Other Stories Amy Walton 92 downloads
Our Frank Amy Walton 85 downloads
The Kitchen Cat, and other Tales Amy Walton 85 downloads