Books about United States -- Social life and customs -- 19th century -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
Juggernaut: A Veiled Record George Cary Eggleston and Dolores Marbourg 117 downloads
For the Major: A Novelette Constance Fenimore Woolson 116 downloads
A Positive Romance Edward Bellamy 115 downloads
Miss Ayr of Virginia, & other stories Julia Magruder 114 downloads
The Exiles and Other Stories Richard Harding Davis 114 downloads
Moriah's Mourning and Other Half-Hour Sketches Ruth McEnery Stuart 113 downloads
With The Eyes Shut Edward Bellamy 112 downloads
The Cold Snap Edward Bellamy 112 downloads
Potts's Painless Cure Edward Bellamy 112 downloads
The Missionary Sheriff Octave Thanet 112 downloads
From the Land of the Snow-Pearls: Tales from Puget Sound Ella Higginson 111 downloads
A Country Idyl, and Other Stories Sarah Knowles Bolton 111 downloads
Basil Everman Elsie Singmaster 111 downloads
Père Antoine's Date-Palm Thomas Bailey Aldrich 111 downloads
A Man of Honor George Cary Eggleston 111 downloads
A Village Stradivarius Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin 110 downloads
The Cup of Trembling, and Other Stories Mary Hallock Foote 110 downloads
Lost Edward Bellamy 110 downloads
Jersey Street and Jersey Lane: Urban and Suburban Sketches H. C. Bunner 109 downloads
Tattle-tales of Cupid Paul Leicester Ford 109 downloads
Lemorne Versus Huell Elizabeth Stoddard 109 downloads
Tiger Lily, and Other Stories Julia Thompson von Stosch Schayer 109 downloads
To Whom This May Come Edward Bellamy 109 downloads
The Mysterious Stranger Mark Twain 108 downloads
In the Sixties Harold Frederic 107 downloads