Books about Canadian poetry (sorted alphabetically)
Indian and Other Tales M. L. Hope
In Memorabilia Mortis Francis Sherman
I Run with the Fox Mona Gould
Laura Secord, the heroine of 1812: A Drama; and Other Poems Sarah Anne Curzon
Lays from the West M. A. Nicholl
Long Necked Bottle Paul Cameron Brown
Mascara-Viscera Paul Cameron Brown
Matins Francis Sherman
Miracle, and Other Poems Virna Sheard
Newfoundland Verse E. J. Pratt
Old Spookses' Pass, Malcolm's Katie, and other poems Isabella Valancy Crawford
Piper and the Reed Robert Winkworth Norwood
Poems of James McIntyre James McIntyre
Point Spread Poems Paul Cameron Brown
Prelude Francis Sherman
Prussian Blue Paul Cameron Brown
Rake's Progress Paul Cameron Brown
Song My Paddle Sings E. Pauline Johnson
Song of the Exile—A Canadian Epic Wilfred S. Skeats
Songs of the Prairie Robert J. C. Stead
Song-waves Theodore H. Rand
Sonnets and Other Verse William M. MacKeracher
Spun-yarn and Spindrift Norah M. Holland
Tasting the Earth Mona Gould
Thoughts, Moods and Ideals: Crimes of Leisure W. D. Lighthall