Books about Fantasy literature (sorted alphabetically)
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Abducted to Oz Robert J. Evans and Chris Dulabone
Adventures in Toyland; What the Marionette Told Molly Edith King Hall
Alice in Blunderland: An Iridescent Dream John Kendrick Bangs
As the Goose Flies Katharine Pyle
Baby Jane's Mission Reginald Parnell
Beyond the Door Philip K. Dick
Bikey the Skicycle and Other Tales of Jimmieboy John Kendrick Bangs
blowing away of Mr. Bushy Tail Edith B. Davidson
Bobbie Bubbles E. Hugh Sherwood and Maud Gridley Budlong
Brownies and Bogles Louise Imogen Guiney
Candy Country Louisa May Alcott
Carved Lions Mrs. Molesworth
Cat in Grandfather's House Carl Henry Grabo
cats' Arabian nights, or, King Grimalkum Abby Morton Diaz
Children of the Castle Mrs. Molesworth
Christmas-Tree Land Mrs. Molesworth
City Curious Jean de Boschère
Cowardly Lion of Oz Ruth Plumly Thompson
Cozy Lion: As Told by Queen Crosspatch Frances Hodgson Burnett
Cruise of the Noah's Ark David Cory
Cuckoo Clock Mrs. Molesworth
Cuckoo Clock Mrs. Molesworth
David and the Phoenix Edward Ormondroyd
Davy and the Goblin Charles E. Carryl
Dichter und das Phantasieren (German) Sigmund Freud
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