Books about Readers (Primary) (sorted alphabetically)
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Aunt Mary's Primer Anonymous
Bird-Woman of the Lewis and Clark Expedition Katherine Chandler
Bobby and Betty with the workers Katharine Elizabeth Dopp
Book of 50 Pictures Anonymous
Child-Land: Picture-Pages for the Little Ones
Child's World: Third Reader W. K. Tate, Sarah Withers, and Hetty Sibyl Browne
Cobwebs to catch flies : or, Dialogues in short sentences adapted to children from the age of three to eight years Mrs. Lovechild
Colons du Rivage, ou Industrie et Probité (French) J. Jacques Porchat
Contes et historiettes à l'usage des jeunes enfants (French) Zulma Carraud
Eight Stories for Isabel Anonymous
Figures in Verse and Simple Rhymes, for Little Learners (Second Series; No. 2) Anonymous
Fireside Picture Alphabet
Haliburton primer M. W. Haliburton
Kittens and Cats: A First Reader Eulalie Osgood Grover
Little Dramas for Primary Grades Ada M. Skinner and Lillian Nixon Lawrence
Little Man's family = Diné yázhí ba'áłchíní : pre-primer (Navajo) J. B. Enochs
Little Present Unknown
Little Scenes for Little Folks Anonymous
McGuffey's Eclectic Primer, Revised Edition William Holmes McGuffey
Medley Anonymous
Merry Tales Ada M. Skinner and Eleanor L. Skinner
Monkey Jack and Other Stories
Pig Brother, and Other Fables and Stories Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Summers readers: first reader Maud Summers
Summers readers: primer Maud Summers
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