Books about Historical drama (sorted alphabetically)
King Henry VI, the second part William Shakespeare
King Richard II William Shakespeare
King Richard II William Shakespeare
King Richard III William Shakespeare
King Richard III William Shakespeare
King Richard III William Shakespeare
King Richard the Second William Shakespeare
Koning Hendrik de Vierde (Dutch) William Shakespeare
Koning Hendrik de Vijfde (Dutch) William Shakespeare
Koning Hendrik de Zesde (Dutch) William Shakespeare
Koning Richard de Tweede (Dutch) William Shakespeare
Kuningas Henrik Kahdeksas (Finnish) William Shakespeare
Kuningas Henrik Neljäs I (Finnish) William Shakespeare
Kuningas Henrik Neljäs II (Finnish) William Shakespeare
Kuningas Henrik Viides (Finnish) William Shakespeare
Kuningas Richard Kolmas (Finnish) William Shakespeare
Kuningas Richard Toinen (Finnish) William Shakespeare
Lapveden meteli : Historiallinen näytelmä 5:nä näytöksenä (6 kuvaelmaa) (Finnish) Martti Wuori
Leben und Tod des Königs Johann (German) William Shakespeare
Leben und Tod Königs Richard des zweyten (German) William Shakespeare
Life of Henry the Eighth William Shakespeare
Life of King Henry the Fifth William Shakespeare
Life of King Henry V William Shakespeare
Massacre at Paris Christopher Marlowe
Master Olof: A Drama in Five Acts August Strindberg