Books about Animal behavior (sorted alphabetically)
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Animal Behaviour C. Lloyd Morgan
Animal Intelligence George John Romanes
Boschvolkje (Dutch) William J. Long
Broertje van den Beer (Dutch) William J. Long
Cassell's Natural History, Vol. 1 (of 6)
Cassell's Natural History, Vol. 2 (of 6)
Cassell's Natural History, Vol. 3 (of 6)
Colouration in Animals and Plants Alfred Tylor
Concerning Animals and Other Matters Edward Hamilton Aitken
Courtship of Animals W. P. Pycraft
Creatures of the Night: A Book of Wild Life in Western Britain Alfred Wellesley Rees
Dancing Mouse: A Study in Animal Behavior Robert Mearns Yerkes
Dierenleven in de wildernis : Schetsen uit het leven der dieren hun natuurlijke aanleg en wat zij leeren moeten (Dutch) William J. Long
Eccentricities of the Animal Creation. John Timbs
Emile et les autres (French) Charles Derennes
From North Pole to Equator: Studies of Wild Life and Scenes in Many Lands Alfred Edmund Brehm
Glimpses of Ocean Life; Or, Rock-Pools and the Lessons they Teach John Harper
Habits, Haunts and Anecdotes of the Moose and Illustrations from Life Charles Albert Jones
Hermit's Wild Friends; or, Eighteen Years in the Woods Mason Augustus Walton
Human Side of Animals Royal Dixon
Illustrative Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom Samuel G. Goodrich
Im Zauber des Tierlebens (German) Friedrich von Lucanus
Industries of Animals Frédéric Houssay
Intelligence in Plants and Animals Thomas G. Gentry
Kijkjes in het dierenleven : Schetsen uit het leven der dieren in de wildernis, hun natuurlijke aanleg en wat zij leeren moeten (Dutch) William J. Long
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